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Handoyo Sutanto


Lyrid, Inc. 




San Jose, CA




Paychex HR Pro


Tech Startup Builds Stellar Workforce with Paychex HR Pro


Leaders at California-based Lyrid, Inc. have seen success attracting skilled employees to their venture-backed startup. Learn how our Paychex HR Pro services helped Lyrid build a strong, remote, worldwide team — as they continue building their international business.


Lyrid Inc., a California-based tech startup, raised almost $1 million in seed-round venture capital to launch in 2019 as a company offering multi-platform cloud solutions. On their way to $500,000 in revenues in 2021, they faced new obstacles, including California regulations mandating all employees receive retirement savings benefits. After turning to Paychex for help establishing retirement savings plans, it made sense to explore what other solutions might help Lyrid attract the manpower to strengthen its remote workforce.


How Paychex Helped

Founder Handoyo Sutanto and COO Simon Loo found the insights and expertise of their dedicated Paychex HR professional especially helpful in structuring additional employee benefits to better attract the right candidates to Lyrid. Their goals? Finding those who will stay long-term, and remain invested in the startup’s success. Creating a seamless onboarding experience to integrate new hires into a fully remote team and keep them connected was another advantage, especially when new employees are working in different cities and even countries.  

employees from Lyrid Inc appear onscreen in a shared video call
Tech Startup Attracts Stellar Workforce with HR Support

Success Strategy

“Partnering with Paychex makes us more unique than any other startup out there,” says Simon, noting the high-quality benefits Lyrid now boasts can even exceed Fortune 500 company offerings.  “It allows us to attract really brilliant talent to join us on this journey.”

3 featured hires at Lyrid Inc


Each time Lyrid adds a new team member, they proudly introduce the new hire and the job role they will fill in the company's social media accounts.

In the coming year, Lyrid plans to hire another 10 employees and expand its presence and client base in Europe, Asia, and Africa.

Learn how Lyrid refined their recruiting

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Onboard New Hires with Paychex Flex
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Paychex Flex® Onboarding Overview

See how to get your new hires off to a great start with our innovative technology.

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